Do you want to contact us to share your reviews, comments, questions, and concerns? Well, now you can! Just comment on this message what you'd like to say, and we'll comment right back! Remember, our "name" on the blog and forum is SongZebra28, so whenever you see that "name", you should know that that is our team talking to you!
You can also email our team at:
[email protected]
What's up site viewers? Do you want us to add an animal to the site? If so, just comment on the blog what animal you'd like us to add and we'll try our best to add the animal as soon as possible!**
**Just remember that we have to fill in all of the other pages before we add anymore, so wait and see if your animal gets on when we're done with the animals we already have!

    Website Creators

    is a fun-loving girl who loves to draw, read, write, dance, sing, and hang out with her friends.
    is a fun-loving girl who loves to play jokes, have fun, text, and be with her friends.


    Animal Adders
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